logistic data management

VLMS Implemented by BMW Canada


ICL is happy to report that VLMS has been implemented for BMW Canada, with a fully operational system since August. We were approached earlier this year to create a plan of action, focusing on rates, data, and routing, which were the critical components of getting the system up and running. 

Speaking of this new partnership, Sean LaBuda talked about how BMW will benefit from ICL:

"We’re excited about building and maintaining a solid working relationship with BMW Canada. We hope the tools and capabilities of ICL’s system will help, and they can focus on adding value and time-saving to tasks to improve their logistical process further. We look forward to supporting their business for years to come.”

 BMW is still in the process of incorporating the various tools offered by ICL to integrate them into their core processes, namely invoice auditing, which automates the process of approving invoicing and will lead to a significant efficiency boost for their organization. Another core process that BMW Canada will improve upon with the addition of ICL’s service will be ETA track and trace.

We want to thank the BMW Team, their stakeholders, and vendors who were quick to be on-boarded and send in their data. We look forward to continuing our relationship with them into 2022 and beyond!