
Streamline Loads, Automate Tasks, Deliver Results

In today’s fast-paced logistics environment, optimizing load planning and execution is crucial. ICL’s AutoLoad Planner is designed to revolutionize the way you plan, execute, and manage your transportation needs.

Dynamic routing & scheduling

Dynamic routing & scheduling

Experience efficient one-click multi-load planning with the flexibility of multiple destinations per tour. Maximize your load factor and minimize tour length effortlessly.

Optimized load planning

Optimized load planning

Automatically plan existing loads or efficiently build new ones based on vehicle priority, tour planning objectives, and capacity of available trucks. AutoLoad Planner adapts to your specific needs.

Enhanced visibility & control

Enhanced visibility & control

Gain a comprehensive overview  of your operations — from broad summaries like VINs per day and load volumes to granular details like specific VINs and individual load attributes.

Automated communication

Automated communication

Streamline communication between all parties to ensure seamless smooth operations and logistics coordination.

Start on Your Sustainable Operations Journey.

Start on Your Sustainable Operations Journey.

Not only does ICL optimize your logistical operations, but we also enable you to make greener choices with our optional greenhouse gas emissions tracking.

Make your fleet the exception:

  • The average truck’s carbon footprint is estimated to be 223 tons of carbon dioxide.
  • Medium and heavy-duty trucks are responsible for approx. 25% of transportation related emissions today, which as a whole have increased by 75% since the 1990’s.

Your goals are our goals.
Real time results = REAL BIG WINS

With over 30 years of experience under our belt, we have the industry expertise and award winning team on deck to support all aspects of your business operations, no matter where you fall within the logistics supply chain.
Awards & Recognition
2019 Better Visibility Award badge
FCA - Rubicon VLS Outstanding Performance award badge
Toyota Canada, Inc. Kaizen Award badge
Finished Vehicle Logistic NA Award badge